Sunday, December 28, 2014

NKJV Note-Taker's Bible


         I got this Bible to review, and planned on taking it to seminary classes with me. But after reviewing it, I was really disappointed. The "note space" is on the side and bottom margins and only about 1" in width. I do not write small well, it takes me longer to do so. So, this Bible is definitely not for someone who does not have very small handwriting. Even with micro hand writing, it would be near impossible to write more than a few notes per page, unless your notes are limited to two or three words, not sentences. The text is labeled as standard size print, but compared to other Bibles in standard sized print, this text is at least one or two fonts smaller. I have good vision, so that is not a problem for me. However, my roommate uses reading glasses, and she said it was too small for her to read. After seeing the limited space I looked in back for the number of blank pages to use for note, and was surprised to only find one blank page for notes! It has a nice hard cover, words of Christ in red, and no concordance. Width is fairly slim, so it does not take up very much space on your bookshelf.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Pink NIrV Plush Bible

I got this Bible, because I love pink! The cover on this Bible is a soft plush with a hot pink color and tiny silver glitter-like dots. The cover was a little damaged brand new out of the box, the fabric is ripped in a few areas. The tears are very minor, and hardly noticeable at all. But, being in this condition when it hadn't even been used yet, makes me think this cover will not last long at all. The NIrV is a very easy-to-understand version, making Bible study for children and those new to the Bible more comprehensible. This is marketed as a children's Bible, but the cover on it is pretty fragile for a odd combination. Aside from that, the print is easy to read, this Bible does have a concordance and list of Bible stories with the book and chapter to find them in. As a children's Bible, I would rate the plush Bible 3 out of five stars, because of the easily torn plush cover.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Share The Love Of Christ For Christmas!

                 "Good News"

"Celebrate The Reason" 
"A Gift For You"
"The Perfect Gift"

I know it's early, but I just ordered some Christmas themed Gospels of John (pictured above) from (if you can't afford them, you can still get 30 free gospels). These gospels all contain the visual cross bridge tract (Pictured at the end of this post for those who are unfamiliar with the cross bridge tract). I am going to make Christmas cookies, and candy cane hot chocolate mix to put in gift bags with a gospel of John in each one. Towards the middle of December I am going to go out and hand them out to strangers with a gospel message, and offer to lead them in a salvation prayer, and put their trust in Christ alone.

I wanted to share this idea with believers, so more of us will share the love of Christ with a stranger this coming Christmas season. If you are afraid/shy to talk to strangers, you are not alone! I'm very shy, and quiet. What I do is pray for divine appointments, courage, and that the Holy Spirit will control and speak through me to reach the lost. In addition to praying that, I tell myself that nobody is guaranteed to live to see tomorrow, and most people are not prepared to meet the Lord. If I don't talk to them about Jesus, who will? The Bible says TODAY is the day of salvation!

DO NOT be discouraged, and think "What if they don't believe me" "What if I can't make them believe". THAT IS NOT YOUR JOB! That is the work that can ONLY be done by the Holy Spirit! The Bible tells us EVERYONE knows God exists in Romans 1. Jesus said that He does not want anyone to perish, but for all to come to repentance. I guarantee the Holy Spirit will speak to every person you talk to. You have God's Word on it! If they choose to reject Jesus, fine, move on to the next person. Keep the person who rejected Christ in prayer for their eyes to be opened, and heart softened. If they accept Jesus, PRAISE GOD, there's a party going on in Heaven rejoicing over that one sinner who came to Jesus!

Please join me in prayer for the Lord to raise up harvesters this Christmas season. And for the lost to have softened hearts, ears to hear, and eyes opened.

Matthew 28:19-20 Go and make disciples of all nations. Baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. And YOU CAN BE SURE THAT I AM ALWAYS WITH YOU, to the very end.”

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

NIV Discover God's Heart Devotional Bible

Explore the amazing heart and 
perfect plan of our Savior, the 
King above all kings!

I received this Bible through Book Look Bloggers to give my honest review. Out of five stars I would give this Bible four stars. Each book begins with an overview of the individual book, the author, date it was written, who the book is written to/for and the theme of the book. 312 deep and thought provoking devotions are written throughout the Bible. Each devotion is divided into these three parts: God's Story, The King's Heart, and Insight. Also included in this Bible are several reading plans: "90 Day Tour of The Bible reading plan, 30 Day for New Christians reading plan, and 30 Days With Jesus reading plan. Other features are" 30 Themes In The Psalms, 30 Stories You've Probably Never Heard, and 30 Stories of Love and Friendship, and a 364 day reading schedule.

This Bible is medium sized, not too heavy, and will fit most Bible covers/cases. The print is not too small, about average text size, so it's easy on your eyes. Beautiful artwork design on most ages with a key theme similar to the cover design. 

This Bible is easy to understand, and would make a outstanding Bible gist for new Believer's, Children, and anyone wanting a deeper look into the heart of God.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

The NKJV Study Bible Full-Color Edition

I LOVE this study Bible! It has everything you could want in a Bible and more. Nice sturdy hard cover with protector. As a Bible student, I will be using this everyday at seminary, and highly recommend it for any serious Bible student. This Bible is also an outstanding gift for the new Believer, literally everything is explained, making ideal for someone who has no clue how to read and understand the Bible. In this study bible you will find:

* Full color pictures of maps, places, buildings, and items mentioned in the Bible.
* The prophecies and fulfillments of the Messiah in Jesus Christ chart.
* Over 15,000 clear verse-by-verse study notes.
* Over 100 articles on the teachings in the Bible.
* Word studies with Strong's concordance numbers.
* Book  introductions, outlines, author, timeline, and Christ In The Scriptures for both Old and New Testament!
* Harmony of the Gospels chart.
* Map diagram of Moses's camp (which just happens to be a CROSS!)
* Throughout the book of Acts there are pictures of the sites where the Apostles preached, giving you the feel that you are getting a tour of Biblical landmarks.

All the landmark and Biblical object pictures really draw the reader into the book, making the Bible come to life, and feel more real than ever to the reader. Never before have I read a Bible that got me this excited, and so hard to put down once opened. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

NIV Pink Bible

The NIV Pink Bible is BEAUTIFUL! Two tone pink leather cover, pages that lay flat when you set it down open, a sewn in pink ribbon book mark, and standard sized text. I got this Bible because I have a Grandmother who is a breast cancer survivor. This is a very elegant and personal Bible to give as a gift. It even has a presentation page for gift giving. I love the pretty page designs, and encouraging notes,prayers, and reflections for people affected by breast cancer throughout this Bible. The print is a easy-to-read size with the words of Christ in red, and silver tipped pages. In the back is a index to hundreds of verses of hope and encouragement, as well as a personal Bible reading plan with check boxes to mark what you have read so far. I highly recommend this Bible to anyone ho has breast cancer, or loves someone with breast cancer.

Monday, September 29, 2014


      I received this NIV College Devotional Bible to review through Book Look Bloggers. It is better than I anticipated! I would definitely say this is a "must have" for any teen or young adult. As a student at a local community college full of Muslims, Atheists, and having three Anti-God/Atheist clubs, this Bible is invaluable to me.

     The devotions are very thought provoking and personal. It's hard to put this Bible down once you start reading, it's that good! I challenge any believer to read just one devotion, then put it down...I doubt many can! I carry this Bible with me to school and use it a lot when evangelizing other students on campus. I love that it is NIV, because the NIV gospel of John is so compelling to believers and non-believers alike. The print is a easy-to-read size, so most people should have no problem reading the print.

     I plan on taking this bible with me when I move on to Seminary in a few months. I can't express how wonderful this devotional Bible is, I highly recommend it to any student! A great gift for anyone to give a student who's going off to college to help  keep them in God's Word and spiritually fit in today's world!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Captain The Pirate Kitty Finds The World's Greatest Treasure




By Shelby Olson

    Captain the pirate kitty was a very greedy pirate, who loved treasure very much.
In fact, he loved treasure so much, that he had a whole island filled with his
treasure! But it was never enough. Something was missing. Captain felt like he
had a hole in his heart, and thought that if he could just find one more
treasure chest, he would finally find happiness.

   One day while sailing in his pirate ship Captain saw a note in a bottle floating
on the ocean. Excited that it could be a treasure map, he quickly snatched it
up. When he pulled the note out Captain leaped for joy. It was a treasure map!
But not just any treasure map, this map said it lead to the greatest treasure in
the whole world!

   So Captain began to follow the map to the world's greatest treasure. First he
had to sail north to Fishbone Island. So Captain turned his ship around, and
sailed north as fast as his ship could sail.

   When Captain arrived at the shore of Fishbone Island, he pulled out the map to
read the next direction. The map said to find the steep and narrow path. And
warned not to walk down the wide path, for whoever walks the wide path will
surely die. Captain looked ahead and saw the two paths. The narrow one was so
steep and looked too hard to walk. The wide path looked pretty and was a easy
downhill walk. But Captain knew he had to take the narrow path if he wanted to
get the treasure and keep his life. So he started up the narrow path.

   As Captain was walking up the path, he realized that even though it was a
difficult walk, he felt peace and happiness for the first time in his pirate
kitty life.

   After a while, Captain pulled the treasure map out again to read the next
direction. The map told him to find the rock with a cross on it. Captain looked
ahead and saw the rock not to far ahead of him. When he finally got to the rock,
he stopped for the next instruction. The map said to dig infront of the rock
until he found the metal box.

   So Captain began to dig. He dug and dug until he was almost about to give up.
But he saw the shiny top of a metal box! As he dug the rest of the dirt away,
Captain wondered what was inside. Was it gold, diamonds, rubies? What could it

   Captain opened the box only to find a small gold heart with the inscription:

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son. And whosoever
believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life. - John 3:16"

   Under the heart was a note that read:

  "Congratulations, you have found the
world's greatest treasure! If you believe this treasure is true, and invite
Jesus into your heart asking forgiveness for your sins, you will live forever
and ever safe in His loving arms.

   Now that you have this treasure, you need to share it with everyone. Bury
the treasure, then go into all the world sharing the map to the world's greatest
treasure because, it was given to all people everywhere if they choose to


Christopher Mustardseed"

   So Captain believed and obeyed. He burried the treasure, then sailed around the
world sharing the map with every single person he met, pointing the way to the
world's greatest treasure. Captain was no longer a greedy pirate, and that hole
in his heart was filled to overflowing with the love of Jesus.

© copyright 2014 Shelby Olson

"Captain" Shelby's adopted shelter cat who is the inspiration for Captain the Pirate Kitty.



Captain and his pet mouse